Designed by
Artboard of the therapist's landing page hero section.

Colibri Counseling

Aida Hernandez is a New Jersey-based licensed therapist with a growing practice, Colibri Counseling. She was focused on growing her practice and expanding her reach by strengthening and improving the website’s visual design, content, and user experience.

My focus for this freelance project was to create a modern and responsive website experience to connect with Colibri Counseling’s diverse existing and growing client base.



4 weeks, 80+ hours


Lead UX/UI Designer


Colibri Counseling


How might we create a modern and responsive website experience to connect?

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User Interviews


Client was focused on understanding the needs of the groups she catered to, Gen Z and Millennial.

The interviews provided a deeper look at why they sought therapy, and what were hindrances in this process.

Three mockup versions of the therapist's landing page.

Landing page mockup versions

After version of the therapist's about page where you see a navigation bar, call-to-action and header 1.


I discovered that participants wanted:

  • Holistic counseling

  • Culturally-aware therapists

  • Up-front information

  • Multiple booking options


Timing is of the essence when it comes to scheduling a consultation. The website needs to give the appearance of being accessible — making navigating and the booking seamless.

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Jobs to be Done

Jobs to be Done theory applied to showcase the minimum, secondary, and tertiary job users are looking to accomplish on the therapist's website.

Our model client, Ximena, wants to book a therapist consultation. She wants to easily schedule a tele-health appointment. She doesn’t want to waste her time or money, therefore finding the answers to her questions about the type of service provided and insurance accepted are critical. Ideally, using the therapist’s website can help her learn new resources to add to her mindfulness practice while keeping on-top of her self-care.


JTBD Findings

Using Jobs to be Done framework allowed me to structure the needs of users into levels of importance based on the minimum job function the website should accomplish to the cherry-on-top. This helped me focus on the landing page as priority with navigation supporting other pages for additional information.

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Based on my Jobs to be Done findings, I created landing page wireframes that elaborated on the paper sketches with each version providing a different layout and color palette. The wireframes focused on establishing a clear path to not only schedule a consultation, but get to know the therapist, and answer user’s questions.

Each version included: a hero image, bio, services, practice, who her practice focuses on and a CTA button.





Color Palette

Service Layout


The different order seeks to test how users respond to what information is relevant.

The color palettes allows the users to get a sense of who Aida is while also emphasizing accessibility.

The layout for the Services section seeks to see how users prefer their information displayed and how it impacts the overall landing page.

Three wireframe versions of the landing page for the therapist's project.

Wireframe versions


Usability Testing




Prototype seeks to allow users to experience reviewing the landing page and then exploring Aida’s About, FAQs and Resources pages before deciding to book a consultation.

Image of the three versions of the website's landing page.

Landing page versions

Closeup of the version 2 prototype website design.

Prototype close-up


Usability Test Findings

  • We found testers had a strong preference for design version 2.

  • We found testers preferred visible responses to their frequently asked questions.

  • We found testers wanted clarity on what a consultation entailed.

  • We found testers wanted prominent content on rates, biography and services.

  • We found testers wanted an easy scheduling process, whether Calendly or other vendor.


The Outcome

I was able to redesign the overall website and utilize the findings from my usability tests that will add value to the product as well as strengthen the therapist’s reputation among new clients.

After image of the landing page hero section with updated color palette, call-to-action button and accessibility.

Landing page

Image of the FAQs page after user feedback requested more visibility.

FAQs page

Revised about page that includes new navigation bar, color palette and visible call-to-action button.

About page

Image of the contact page that includes a form and call-to-action button.

Contact page


“As for my practice, since the week the website was live, the number of referrals I received picked up significantly...” - Aida

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This project was a great experience in working with a stakeholder to create a website design that incorporated user feedback while balancing the stakeholder’s goals. It was great to see the therapist be receptive to creating and arranging accessible content in a more visually engaging way.